On his last day in Jogjakarta, we took Bram to Bantul. an area a bit south of jogjakarta.
we admit that we are pretty glad that while he was here in Jogja, the sun shone brightly and in certain extent got hotter than the previous 3 days when Jogja was hit with terrible big rain. we somewhat could relate his coming to jogja with our earliest guess, Gabi, from Poland. when she came the sun was always shining brightly too.
yet, the third day he was here, in jogja, when we took him to Prambanan and Borobudur temple we experienced wavy rain - that somewhat big yet sometimes pretty light rain fall - one part could rain big while the other was having moderate sunshine. weird, huh...
okay, back to the last day,
we went to Bantul. and the first destination was the royal cemetary. where three descendants of Java big kingdoms were burried. from Pakubuwono to Sultan AGung. such a unique and amazing place. remembering that it was one of the oldest royal cemetary in Java.
the striking characteristic of this place was that it is located on a hill, if we may say so.
the deseased were burried on top of the hill, inside a big chunck of land, surrounded with Java mix Balinese architecture. this was pretty obvious from the surrounding gates and walls. as you could see in the picture.
of course, to reach the top we have to walk up the stairs built there. for your information, this place has hundreds of stairs. so it's somewhat a healthy kind of tour too. you work your heart out, literally, like running on that gym's device, what was the name...?
so for the elders visiting this place is kind of challenge, even for the young - especially those who lack of excersise, it's also a big thing, walking up the stairs at 10 or 11 in the morning when the sun was hot, bright, and pretty torturing :p
the royal cemetary open for three days only, monday, wednesday, and friday in particular set of times. so you have to ask the schedule first before you decide to visit the place. we went there at the wrong day, when the gate to the inner complex was closed so all we could do was circling the cemetary complex, observing the front gate - cause it also have unique collection in front of it - and viewing Bantul area from the top of the hill - which was great!
many said that many people come and visit this place for blessings and for praying. one thing we should witness in the future.
anyway, Imogiri royal cemetary is an hour trip from Jogjakarta - that is with motorbike. along the way you could witness and pass local village with their own sight, mostly paddy field and hills. which were great too. and of course the trip would be good and fullfilling if you go there while the sun is on! very on!
okay, that was our trip in Imogiri. next? Ganjuran and a vietnam like spot in bantul with it's yellow suspension bridge!